Project Description
I structured, wrote and designed this Marine Biology course for scuba divers from scratch. Firstly, I planned out the structure of the course and divided it into 7 chapters. Then I started with researching and writing the first chapter (All about the ocean) – and sourced images that would fit the material. For the design, I first created several front page and inside page options, and settled on one style based on the client’s preferences. I then designed the full course – and created an interactive PDF that includes videos, links and interactive “Quiz yourself” sections. I hope to be starting on the remaining chapters shortly.
Project Details
Client Devoted Divers
Date November 2016
Skills Marine biology, Science communication, Graphic design

Interactive “Quiz Yourself” sections
The course includes multiple sections with Quiz questions that readers can use to assess and solidify their knowledge. The reader first sees the question and 4 possible answers. When one of the answers is clicked, the correct answer lights up in green and some clarifying text is shown at the bottom of the page.